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Indian Coast guard released 200+ Vacancies in the field of Navik. The Indian coast guard was established by the parliament of India. Now Indian coast guard released super vacancies per vacancies with minimum qualifications in the Navik field. For interested and eligible candidates please refer below details.
Name of the Organization
- Indian Coast Guard Under the Ministry of Defence.
- Navik (General Duty)
- Navik (Domestic Branch)
- 10th (SSC)
- 12th (HSC)
Age Requirement
- Minimum Age: 18 years
- Maximum Age: 22 years
- No experience needed
Important Dates
- Starting date to apply: 30.01.23
- Last date to apply: 19.02.23
Application fee
- For OBC/EWS/Others: Rs 300.00
- For SC/ST/Others: Rs 0.00
Total Vacancies
- Total 255 vacancies
A Detailed Description of Vacancies
- Navik (General Duty): 225
- Navik (Domestic Branch): 30
Salary Pay Scale
- As per coast guard rules and regulations.
Selection Process
- All candidates must apply online mode only.
- Candidate must take a printout after submission of application.
- Selection will be made on written tests and physical fitness, Document verification.
- After all the process is done candidate will be allocated to the post after a qualifying medical examination.
Application form
- Apply Online: Coast Guard Recruitment Cell
Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 200+ Vacancies.pdf
Govt Job