The Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TN TRB) is responsible for recruiting qualified teachers for various educational institutions in the state. It conducts competitive examinations, including the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) and direct recruitment exams. TN TRB plays a crucial role in selecting candidates based on merit and ensuring the availability of skilled educators in schools. The board follows a transparent and fair recruitment process, adhering to government guidelines. Continuous updates and notifications are released by TN TRB to keep candidates informed about upcoming teacher recruitment opportunities. Aspiring teachers in Tamil Nadu can rely on TN TRB for a systematic and merit-based selection process. Interested and eligible candidates must apply before the last date. Interested candidates, please refer to the details below for more information.
Name of the Organization
- Tamil Nadu Teachers Recruitment Board (TN TRB)
- Secondary Grade Teacher
- Any UG
- Specialization degree (Refer Notification)
Age Requirement
- Minimum age: 20 years
- Maximum age: 53 years
- No experience required
Important dates
- Starting date to apply: 09.02.24
- Last date to apply: 15.03.24
Application Fee
- For OBC / EWS / Others: Rs 600.00
- For SC / ST / ESM / Women candidates: Rs 300.00
Total Vacancies
- Total 1768 Posts(Secondary Grade Teacher )
Salary Pay Scale
- Rs 20,000 to 70,000/- (Additional benefits Included)
Selection Process
- All applications must be submitted in online form only.
- Selection is based on a Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)
- Final Selection and allotment are done after an document verification.
- Candidates are advised to check all details before submission; no edit option is allowed after submission.
Application Form
- Apply Online: TN TRB Recruitment
TN TRB Recruitment.pdf 6.81KB